Many times during a psychic session we encounter someone who likes to do their own tarot card reading. But is this a good idea?
Some will emphatically say no. While others may agree it does not really matter.
The real issue however doesn’t lie in the whether or not you know the cards to interpret them correctly. The challenge is to remain detached from the outcome.
This is very difficult because the heart wants what it wants. And that will usually override what the cards truly reveal.
If you’re emotionally attached to something it’s not a good idea to do your own tarot card reading. This is especially true if you want the outcome to be a specific answer.
Believe it or not, you can actually influence the cards as you shuffle them. Your desire for a certain outcome could be so strong you will see that in your tarot card reading. Even if that is not what the reading says.
This is really important with matters of the heart. Love and relationships or reuniting questions are best answered by an impartial tarot reader. The reader will have no attachment to your outcome.
So she will not be biased toward the question. They will be able to blast through your emotions without clouding the delivery of the tarot card reading. This is also the case if you’re trying to see if your significant other is cheating or trying to determine the timing of certain events.
So many times we have seen people do their own readings, night after night. And asking the same questions over and over. They’re emotionally vested in the outcome of the question. And they are not allowing the wisdom of the cards to speak their truth.
In conducting your own tarot card reading you are flooding the cards with your hopes and desires. And you’re not seeing clearly what they may be trying to reveal with your own personal interpretation. So for an important concern which involves the depth of your emotions, finding a tarot reader you can trust is your best course of action.
If you’re doing a reading on yourself for something you are not emotionally attached to, such as “Will my pot roast turn out on Sunday”? You will be able to get a decent result with some accuracy. It would be even better if you phrased the question in the third person, “How will Sally’s pot roast turn out on Sunday”? and act as if you are doing the tarot card reading for someone else.
It will allow you to be even more non-biased to your outcome and you may be surprised at the accuracy of your answer. However, as I have mentioned, for matters of the heart where your emotions are deeply intertwined with the outcome, it is best left to a professional who can interpret the reading without bias.
Originally posted on 12/15/2011 @ 12:24 am