THE HERMIT Tarot Card Meaning and Interpretation

THE HERMIT Tarot Card Meaning and Interpretation

The Hermit tarot card presents as a solitary figure often holding a lantern and staff. He stands alone on a mountain top. His journey is into the world of the unconscious and the mystical.  The Hermit reaches his goal, which is often enlightenment. Retreating away from the world into the secure, lonely place of isolation … Read more

Is Your Relationship Stuck in a Vicious Cycle?

Is Your Relationship Stuck in a Vicious Cycle?

Have you found yourself waiting month after month, year after year for changes in your relationship? Has someone promised you over and over again that they would make changes to make you happier? Did they say they do certain things or stop doing/saying certain things to stop hurting you? Have they only continued the same hurtful behavior? Have you … Read more

The EMPEROR Tarot Card Meaning

The EMPEROR Tarot Card Meaning and Interpretation

The Emperor tarot card is the fifth Major Arcana card. He represents a powerful male influence. The Emperor can also be present as the father card. He comes right after The Empress because he compliments her. The Empress and The Emperor represent the archetypes of father and mother figures. He usually wears a long white … Read more