Contact Us

We request that you contact us through Click4Advisor as our preferred contact for tarot readings by phone.

Click4Advisor is a world-wide telephone system that connects you to us for your reading.  You can reach us by clicking the buttons below the pictures when you are ready to begin your tarot reading. The price for tarot readings with Lady Branwyn and Lady Rhiannon is $3.49 per minute.


To find out more about Lady Rhiannon and Lady Branwyn click on their pictures below to go to their individual pages.

the lady rhiannon
Lady Rhiannon Tarot Readings by Phone


lady branwyn tarot readings by phone
Lady Branwyn Tarot Readings by Phone

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Sign up for a free account. Then enter all of your information. From there you can call any psychic who uses the click4advisor service for tarot readings by phone. When you’re ready for your psychic reading, simply click on a psychic’s button. Both telephone numbers (the clients and the psychics) are kept private from one another.
You can schedule appointments in advance for tarot readings. Or if the psychic is currently busy you can arrange to speak with them when available by arranging a call. Click4advisor also has its own internal email.
You do not have to buy a block of time for tarot readings by phone. You are charged on a per minute basis and can make your tarot reading by phone as long or as short as you like.
Many clients have asked us about how to use the system and how it works. There is a walk through on that let’s you know exactly how the system works and how to operate it successfully.
Click4advisor has been doing business for many years and has a great reputation. They have very little down time due to tech errors and glitches.